Net Metering
In August, 2012, section 17 of CVEA's Tariff on Net Metering went into effect.
The Net Metering program allows eligible consumers to connect an approved renewable energy generation system to the CVEA grid. The consumer can utilize these systems to offset energy otherwise purchased from, and sell excess energy to, the Cooperative, based on the rules set forth in the Tariff.
Before getting started, please review the Application and Interconnection Standards and Net Metering section of the Tariff . The Net Metering section begins on pg. 79 and the current Non-Firm Power Purchase Rate can be found on pg. 85 of the document.
The limitation to the program’s capacity was created to protect the stability of the CVEA system and to avoid possible operational issues.
Click here for an easy to follow Ruralite Magazine article explaining the Net Metering program.
Note - the current contact is: Dirk Williams, CVEA Operations Manager, ph: 907-835-4301, email: