Understanding your Electric Bill
Understanding Components of Your Electric Bill
Monthly bills include five basic components: customer charge, energy charge, G&T charge, fuel charge,and heat revenue credit. For certain large commercial customers there is also a demand charge.
View a calculation outlining the components of a CVEA power bill and a sample member bill.
The customer charge is a flat monthly charge which covers a portion of the cost to produce the monthly bill. This includes the cost of meter depreciation, meter reading expense, and billing and collection activities.
The energy charge , which is billed on a kilowatt-hour basis, covers the cost to deliver power to you. This includes system operation and maintenance, customer service, member services, administration, depreciation, taxes, and interest.
The G&T charge, which is billed on a kilowatt-hour basis covers the cost to generate and transmit (G&T) power into the distribution system. This includes all costs (exclusive of fuel) to make power from the various plants.
The fuel charge, which is billed on a kilowatt-hour basis changes monthly and reflects the actual costs to generate power. CVEA does not collect a margin on fuel.
The heat revenue credit is available in the months we are receiving heat revenue from the Cogen plant. This is credited on a kilowatt-hour basis when the Cogen is producing heat revenue. This is typically October through May.
In addition to the foregoing charges, large commercial customers may also pay a demand charge which is assessed based on the metered monthly kilowatt demand for that particular customer.
If you have more questions, please call either office at 822-3211 or 835-4301.
Read more about the history on the Cost of Power by visiting the Fuel Costs & History Page. For a detailed graph of historical costs, click here.
Click here for SmartHub How-To. Learn how to register and pay your bill.
Use CVEA's third-party phone payment system to make a secure payment by phone. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience. 855-938-3623